Hi Anthony
After building my new power amp. (HPA-nxV200 modules)
The result is an amplifier, which is, afterabout one week of burn in, able to deliver a very wide soundstage, a powerful, controlled and well articulated low frequency range, smooth and liquid mids and very detailed but never fatiguing highs. But much more important, this amp has a very own but yet very natural sound signature. It really shows me something about my source equipment, but remains playing everything in a very musical manner. I think this is an outstanding product. It has its own signature, not trying to copy any other amp, and it plays just tuneful, full-bodied and convincing. I really searched for some drawbacks here, but wasn't able to find any!
My reference for comparison are some Rotel integrated amps (RA-935, RA-931mkII) and some Naim Audio power amps (NAP 140 and NAP 160). My speakers are some MM Serie Master by Reference 3a, an early version of the current model MM de Capo i.
Thanks for offering such a great product to the diy-oriented!
Kind regards!
Martin Balszuweit
Great product. HPA-NXV200
Posted by Anthony Holton on
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