Hi Anthony,
Thank you for a excellent product (nxV300R2) and one more in the making, My choice fell on a 300 and I am very satisfied with that, I used a lot of time (about 9months) but when the amplifier was conceived it was all worth the Wait.
Powering it up for the first time on my modified HF-275 speakers the sound was crystal clear tight an powerful yet gentle when needed, The nxV300 was replacing a LC Audio Zapsolute 42W (pure) Class A. After a short while I had to admit I was missed some of the soothing warmth of my 15 year old Class A.

I soon realised that the sinner was the attenuator in the preamp, the distortion that it produced when installed in my old amplifier was never detected at the time.
Luckily I got myself a new Seiden 23 pos attenuator with Takman Carbon resistors and it gave me the long wanted soothing sound,
Now when I play music I soon forget about the different sounds coming from the stereo, I rather quickly start to enjoy music.
Today I had a fellow Hi-Fi addict visiting me, we played many records, both good productions and bad, ending at some badly produced pop records from the 1980s, we both agreed that the music was in focus and most of the time messed up our analytic session.
When you don't want to change record for a new one to be tested you know that the sound is excellent.
Thank you
Per Glad