Hi Anthony...
An little update : For 2 days ago, we made a battle between an Nelson Pass XA30.5 and my Nvx300 with Smps dual mono supply, all 3 of us did choose the Nxv300, more powerfull/dynamic, midrange was more clear and defined, but the top was even more detailed and still as friendly sounded as the Pass, indeed very impressing...
We where all very surprised, and i'm a very happy man.......
Regards Michael.
Just listened to my new NXV 500 R2 . Its amazing -- sounds wonderful. Much better than the earlier modules. Has the missing warmth in lower midrange upper bass. Transparens is so much better also. This amps is way better than the NCore 400 I made for a friend some weeks ago. The N Core 400 sounds like a clock radio compared to this.
Erlend Sæterdal, Denmark
Clear and Defined HPA-NXV300
Posted by Anthony Holton on
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